Monday, November 24, 2008

November 23rd, Getting Ready

Late nights, endless Internet searches, mapping, planning, buying books, gathering curriculum, sorting camping supplies, sewing sleeping bag liners, working overtime to try to pay for it all??? We ask ourselves in moments of sleep deprivation, "Why are we doing this?" And then, we just laugh and say, "Duh! do we even need to ask that?" Four family members spending time together in the South Pacific summer, while another Northwest winter is raging, or should we say raining... oh yeah, that's why.


Anonymous said...

Hi Esteb Clan!!

I am praying for you all. i know that this is going to be an incredible journey for all of you! Know that you are covered and that you will be sooo missed!


bhalbach said...

Goodness! It is so hard to keep track of you guys! What an amazing adventure you have before you! Many blessings and much love!

Brad, Kari, & Leyton Halbach

bhalbach said...

Ps. Could you send me your current email address (to our yahoo email)? - I think I deleted it by accident.

pps. I am so jealous!!! In a good way of course :)