Tuesday, December 30, 2008

December 29th, Friendly Farewells

I actually got teary eyed as our plane took off from Aitutaki. (And this from the girl that doubted more than once if we should even go on this extended trip!) It kind-of surprised me how attached I had gotten to this small island and our “Matriki Family” in just 11 days – although, I realize that anyone who knows me well probably isn’t surprised by my quick attachment at all. Both Fred & Kristine (our hosts and, now also, our dear friends) drove us to the airport; they are like family now. (I’m already looking forward to seeing them again when they move back to B.C.) Curt mentioned, in his “Friendly Blessing” post, many of the wonderful people that have made their way into our hearts during our stent in Cook Island, but four more late arrivals have joined the ranks of our “Matriki Family” since then and warrant a brief honorable mention… Bernard, Myumi (Yikes, I just relized that I don't know how to spell your name.) – thanks for getting all of us out on the hike, the views where beautiful, and, prior to that experience, I didn’t know I was capable of sweating so much in such a short time frame. Also, thanks for reviewing and advising us on our NZ itinerary; we hope to catch up with you two again while we’re in Kiwi country. Jenny and Simon we wish you many fish, and that you will be able to sleep-in past your “Morning Tea” at some point during your Aitutaki holiday – don’t worry you never woke any of us. Come and give fly fishing in the Northwest a go; you know you’ll have a place to stay with us. And, Jenny, we will let you outline our “Australia Trip” whenever we get that one on the books. –Cheers! Lisa

1 comment:

Steve R said...

Sally just showed me how to view the slide show FULL SCREEN. She's such a teckie! I don't know when I've seen Curt smile so much, but I'm lovin it. Thank you guys so much for being so faithful to the blog and sharing this with all of us. It's almost like being there (well not really almost... but still great)