Tuesday, December 9, 2008

December 8th, Missed Target

You know those storms I talked about yesterday; well, they got the best of Air New Zealand. And this is saying a lot about the severity of the storm, because everyone knows that NZ is known for its thrill seeking, adventure enthusiasts. You know the storm was bad if a Kiwi pilot was scared off! Our pilot tried to land several times in Rarotonga, but it was storming so bad that he diverted to Tahiti. It was kinda fun trying to land in that junk, but when the pilot twice says he can’t see the runway due to hard rain (C.P.F.R.), so we felt really good about the 1 hour and 30 minute diversion. Hey, it’s all in the adventure, and now we can say we’ve been to Tahiti!
The sky last night from the airplane was amazingly beautiful as we were cruising at about 30 thousand feet and the tropical storms were lighting up the sky below us over the Pacific Ocean. God created an amazing world! We could see a beautiful bright orange moon above and a raging lightning storm below. Hopefully we will head back towards Raro soon, but we’re not sure if the weather is going to cooperate today. We patiently sit in the plane grounded in Tahiti. Our camera ran out of battery power mid-plane ride, so we can’t take any pictures of Tahiti – too bad. Ahhh, we will just sit here and take in the beauty from the tarmac. Cheers-
No worries, we finally did arrive Raro about 5 hours after our scheduled arrival time, but - who's counting??? - we're on island time now. The weather broke and the pilots high tailed it for Raro. Upon arrival we grabbed a refreshing drink, did some quick grocery shopping, and walked to our accommodations.

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