Sunday, December 14, 2008

December 13th, Market Day!

The day after Friday and the day before Sunday, we went to the Saturday market. I think markets are pretty sweet, and if you have never been to one, you are not complete, and to complete yourself (because you can’t walk around incomplete) I suggest you find one and go to it. The market here was particularly sweet because there were dancers and it smelled really good. Lisa and Curt (my awesome parents) bought some bananas (those were the best bananas I ever had)and some paw paws. I got a freakishly cool dress - skirt thing that can transform into hundreds of other dresses and some shirts, but uh… I don’t like any of the shirts.
Over-n-Out da Mad Skillet (A.K.A. Maddy)


Sally said...

Hey there, Team Esteb! We're back from South of the Border and so glad to get caught up with your adventure! Maddy, take some pics of the new versatile fashion item you have procured (feel free to avoid the shirt options if you prefer). Kennaroo, we hope you are able to stay wet enough not to melt while you are down under. (We also hope your knee is in better shape than the wall. You left a great impression!) Curt, we'd like to see a stress free close up of you at this point to get that scary "bye bye" photo of you out of our minds. And Lisa D., how did you manage to clean our home before leaving the country! The carpets look great. That was way over the top!!!
Mexico was great, but Mern spent a day on an I.V. and was treated for Ecoli. That definitely added some drama to our otherwise purposefully boring vacation! We returned to a snow storm and have definitely entered the grind again...
We love you guys! Nonny and Poppy (AKA Sally and Steve)

cooleogirl123 said...

MADDY!!!!! I miss you sooo much!! I'm surprised the New Zeland air hasn't killed you yet!! Hayleys b-day party was the day after Friday and the day before Sunday!! It was awesome but it didn't feel right without you there! It was way to quiet! So em has a boy friend you will never guess who it is........JOEY!! I find it totally and compleatly disgusting but she likes him (gag) lol i gtg!! i hate math homework!! &hearts karli

Emily said...
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Kern said...

Hey there Estebs...staying caught up on your great adventures. Thinking about you and wishing you a Merry Christmas, tropical style. Liked to hear about your trip to market, Maddy...your sweet smiling face is missed at SMS! Love you all! Kerns

duck14 said...

Hello friends! I am so enjoying your blog! It looks like you are having the most amazing adventure, we look forward to keeping in contact with all of you.
(BTW- this is Em's Mom) Miss Maddie- We miss you horribly-it's much to quiet around here without you!
Have fun and we'll keep in touch!
p.s., Em says she would like to see the dress "thingymagiger" (you have us so curious!)
Lots of love and prayers,
Kristi and Em Wood

duck14 said...
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duck14 said...

Woops, as a first time blogger - I'm learning my way...I guess it did post. =)
Didn't mean to repeat myself!

Emily said...

Hey guys its me once again. I just wanted to say you guys are super lucky you left its totally freezing over here. Every day is like 15 degrees!!!! ( in the morning it eventually gets up to idk like 20 or 25 something like that) Teehee and i also forgot to say i miss you lots mkenna and you to curt and lisa! HaHa ok well you guys stilll look like you belong in seattle you guys are still chalky white!
your friend,

Hayley said...

Haha, Maddy I miss you dearly.

Someone needs to arrive here and pump up the party, ok???!

Karli hasnt lived up to your randomness. I think she failed you. Well, were planning pranks for you for when you finally get home, so be prepared, young grasshopper.

Hayley's nugget of wisdom #1:
When your bff leaves for New Zealand for 3 months, try not to dream about her every night, for the good of the whole.


Hayley said...

Ok, its me 4 minutes later.

Just wanted to say


Miss you all!!!


Emily said...

Hey Maddy!!!!!
Ok I am so jelous right now you are doing all of the things I've always wanted to do!! But guess what? Ok so you know how i haven't been blogging very much? Well its because I have been in Israel!!!! Isnt that awsome!!! I got you a super coolio bag its awsome!