Wednesday, December 31, 2008

December 31st, Happy New Years from Auckland

We celebrated the New Year by spending our evening walking the streets of Auckland and finishing with the fireworks show from the top of the Sky Tower. The Sky Tower looks a lot like the Space Needle, but is approximately twice as tall. You know you are in New Zealand when you are walking down central Auckland and you suddenly see somebody jump from the Sky Tower! We have posted a picture and if you look closely, or simply click on the picture, it should blow it up so you can see the person in the bottom right of the picture that has just jumped from the observation deck. Auckland and Seattle have many similarities; even the city sky line looks similar. We spent the better part of 6 hours in Auckland on New Years night and didn’t meet any Americans. Matter of fact most of Auckland is a melting pot of many nationalities… it was really nice to meet so many neat and fascinating people. Wish we could have sent more pictures on the show and party but the camera ran out of juice. Happy New Years from Auckland! Oh, and tee hee, we got to celebrate a day before you guys!


Cassidy said...

Man that sounddssuper fun!
2008 went by super fast. . . .including when guys left.For Christmas I got a new puppy his name is JoJo!!!!!
I miss you so much Kenna!

Your friend Cassidy

Leslie said...

What an adventure you are having! I am so excited for you guys to get to experience all of this and am enjoying sharing in it via your blog. I agree with Dad's earlier comment, I've never seen Curt smile so much (nor have I seen him with so much hair). And all you Esteb girls look so fabulous in your bikinis that I'm tempted to try a strict "island diet" of nothing but fruit, fish and spicy banana salsa for a month! Merry Christmas and Happy 2009! Love you bunches!!!!

Cassidy said...

Yes there is a movie called ink heart out. . .and yes I got a dog
he is a scottie he is super cute. .
hey can you leave a note for Rachel,Mackenzie and any-body you want to write to. . .because they want to hear from you!
Miss ya, the one and only
Cassidy m. Majack

Scott Scott said...

Nice, but you missed the snow.