Saturday, January 10, 2009

January 8th, On The Road Again

We spent January 8th driving from the city of Waitomo to the city of New Plymouth and MT Taranaki. We were surprised by the beauty of the Tasman sea as we ventured down the West Coast of the North Island. We wandered down a gravel road and through a sheep ranch until the road ended at the White Cliffs Walkway. It was quite dramatic sitting on the cliffs overlooking the very blue Tasman. The sheep were friendly, and as you can see by the cover photo, McKenna took quite a liking to them. After a wonderful "chilly bin" lunch, concert and stretch of the legs we headed South toward Egmont National Park and MT Taranaki.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the sheep serenade and McKenna making baaaaa-yootiful music.
Cheers - Kris