Te Eiva Kuki Airani International Children’s Dance Competition – Cook Island National Auditorium
Our new friend Dave from London told us about an island dance competition. We thought, “Sweet, let’s go!” So that night we went to it. During the competition, there was a little girl and she was so scared coming out on stage that she almost cried, (she was the youngest performer too - probably 6) but when she started to dance, she was AMAZING!!!! She was probably one of the best out there. She could shake it!! We call her little-bit; she is so cute! In the Maori dances there are a few things that the dancers try really hard to be good at…for the girls: it’s shaking your booty really fast and for the boys: it’s shaking your knees really fast. (I know it sounds kind of weird but true!) Then after intermission I fell asleep.
McKenna - Merry Christmas!
McKenna - Merry Christmas!
Hey McKenna,
Cassidy typin.
I miss you like crazy bananas,
so does Rachel (I miss you more)
It is like 3in. of snow up here.
We had no school for the past 2
days.That dance thing sounds fun.
You should of brang me!You are having so much fun (I can tell by your tan.)You are all over my binder too.(just instaled)
There is 12 more things I must tell you one bad, one good.
The good thing is Drew + Cassidy happened 2 thing is Kate lied about being your friend! now every-body dis-likes her. (she e-mailed me about the lie the day you left)
Any way girly MISS YA
~~~you BBBBFFFFEEEEEEEE Cassidy~~~
Happiness is like peeing in your pants everyone can see it but your the only one who can feel it's warmth.
That sounds like a ton a fun. .
Rachel and I miss you like crazy bananas. . . Also you know who and me . . .Sonebody + Cassidy (and it's not Ried) I think you know who it is !
Any-way There has been no school for the past 3 days and I am snowed in from outside !!!!!!
We had a huge wind storm and it nocked out all the power !!!!!
It looks like your having fun in the sun (I can tell by your tan)
MISS YA -----Cassidy
Happiness is like peeing in your pants everyone can see it but your the only one who can feel it's warmth !!! P.S. Hi Lisa
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