Sunday, January 11, 2009

January 12th, Get Your Fear On!!!

Ok, this is what NZ is all about... jolts of adrenalin pumping through your veins in heavy doses. Unfortunately McKenna was slightly under weight for the action rides, but they did manage to lower her 270 feet dangeling from a thin wire down into the Mokai Canyon. Many visitors wouldn't even do that! If you want to see great video of the thrills go to the Gravity Canyon Website ( They have excellent video of the different activities. Maddy, Curt and Lisa did the flying fox together, as McKenna opted to be photographer of the event. The start of the flying fox is 600 feet above the river on the canyon rim. You launch and quickly accelerate hitting a max speed of 160 kilometers per hour, while you descend 175 metres (570 feet or so), and travel 1 kilometer... They make you wear goggles to keep the bugs from smashing into your eyes. We have a video of the event and can't wait to share it with you when we get home. However, check their website out and you can watch clips of the fun. Maddy couldn't wait to do "the highest bungy jump on the North Island of NZ". She handled it like a real pro, walking to the platform and jumping on the first 3-2-1 count! This just after watching the last lady stand in frozen fear/terror for 20 minutes before taking the plunge. Maddy was a pro! She shouted "I love Gumby" while descending the 270 feet from bridge to base of canyon!!! I think my choice of words would have been different, but she is much braver than I. This place rocked all the way around, from camping in the parking lot, eating their food, and participating in the best NZ had to offer! Flat out awesome! Cheers...


Cassidy said...

Man that sounds like so much fun!
I so wish I was there. . .
You all look like you are having a blast.Anyway Love the pictures you took Mckenna,They look like a pro. took them!!
Miss ya,Cass

Steve R said...

Yep, I've been waiting with anticipation for this post to the blog. I'm sad that McKenna couldn't make the plunge, she's so adventurous. Really look forward the the video. Maddy looks awesome in the pics and definitely a "chip off the old block" when it comes to bungee. I'd love to do that some time myself.

Is that picture of the humongous zip line the legs and shoes of Curt, Maddy, and Lisa launching off?